At Southern Hills Baptist Church, we want you to feel welcome. We have a casual, come-as-you-are worship service where we sign hymns as well as contemporary choruses. Pastor Terry Smith walks through a book of the Bible verse by verse, using Scripture for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness (II Timothy 3:16). We invite you to come join us as we tell the truth in love.
About Us ...
Find out more ...
Find out more about our church leadership (staff, deacons, and elders), vision and mission, as well as our detailed doctrinal statement. If there is any way that we can serve you, please don't hesitate to contact our church office.
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Tithes & Offerings ...
For your convenience, we provide a couple of ways to give. We invite you to come on Sunday mornings at 11am for worship, and you can drop your gift into the worship plate. You can also mail us a check at Southern Hills Baptist Church, 1925 E St. S.W., Miami, OK 74354.*
* Please know that we will never sell you name or personal information.
In the Offering Plate
during Sunday
Worship at 11 amType the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section. Once you click into this text area, you will see the filler text disappear.
Through the Mail
Southern Hills Baptist Church • 1925 E St. S.W., Miami, OK 74354
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